Untuk minggu ini, ulangkaji bersama dengan Dr Jamal..antaranya :
A ) Grafik boleh dikategorikan kepada dua iaitu : bitmap (real) dan vector image (cartoon).Untuk Adobe photoshop hanya menggunakan bitmap.
- File format untuk DSLR ialah jpeg .. bagi file " raw" ianya bukan file format.
- Contoh vector imej dalam komputer : clipart dan file format for vector :pcf
- Kekurangan bitmaps :
- Fixed Resolution - dari segi imej dan hardware (cannot be resized without some effects on the clarity of the image)
- Downgraded the quality - image lose crispness and clarity
- Memory Intensive (larger file size) - the quantity is same but the pixels become bigger)- tidak sesuai menggunakan pendrive.
Adobe Photoshop
Size : Display resolution
Resolution : 72 (display) dpi/ppi
Simple Image : Icon/logo/text/border to be photo realistic image save as :
- png : transparency (no background, better quality than gif)
- jpeg - have background
- gif - have trasparent
For poster -save it as jpeg
Technic in photoshop :interpolation and dithering- to reduce the colour depth
C) Graphic Software
- Painting & Image editing Software (bitmap) that are lookalike as photoshop in term of function is Gimp (an open source and can be downloaded for free).
- For drawing software (vector) - illustrator, flash, corel draw
Kelas diteruskan dengan presentation seterusnya oleh rakan sekelas dengan tajuk : Basic image editing
- Free photo editing Software : Gimp, Lazpaint, Photo Pos Pro dan PhotoFiltre
- Kegunaan Adobe Photoshop : Untuk "alter" , GUI and high tech coding
- File format : psd (photoshop) , jpeg ( most popular, support 24 bit color),gif (can make simple animation),png ( support up to 48 bit color) and tiff ( for printing).