requirement : 300 dpi , print out : 5 “ x 7”
Image : 2048 x 1538
Editing Software show : Client reset the dpi to 300
Calculation :
2048/300 =6.83
1538/300= 5.12
Max print size
:6.83” x 5.12”
· divide pixels by inches,
is the outcome > or exactly 300, you get a good print
· divide pixels by inches,
is the outcome < 300, you have to add pixels (resamplen)
· divide pixels by 300,
and you’ll get the maximum printsize in inches
Dpi is for
printing, 300 dpi is good for printing
Solution :
Image >image size
a) unticked resample box
the number 72 into 300 and Uncheck the resample box
The dpi-number is meaningless, and a change of
that number doesn’t alter your photo. the quality of the photo hasn’t been changed :
Same exposure
same number of pixels, nothing has changed.
Only the number of 72 has been changed into 300.
But it will change the height and width..
b) Change the pixel dimension
Go to image size again…tick the resample size
Need to change the pixel dimensions
Change the unit to percent
Key in any value …any
changes here will effect the document size ..
Try and make changes at the pixel dimensions until we get
the desire document size
Normally enlarging
the size of an image means losing image quality. Upscale your digital photos
for print with almost no visible quality loss.
1. After opening the image to increase, open the Actions palette
if not already open (Alt+F9). Since we will be increasing the size of the image
at small increments at a time, to create an action to do this multiple times
until the desired image size has been reached. This will also come in handy for
quickly upscaling other images in the future.
In the bottom-right hand corner of the Actions palette, click on
the Create new action button.
2. Use the following settings for creating the new action. Once
done, click the Record button.
3. Now that the new action has begun to record our changes, we
will begin to increase the image size one time gradually using only the Image Size window. Access this window by going to Image > Image Size (Alt+Ctrl+I). To minimze quality loss,
we wil only be increasing the size 10 percent at a time. In the document
fieldset within this window, change inches to percent.
Then change both the width and height to 110.
Lastly, for this effect to work with optimum results, change the selection in
the drop down box under Resample image to Bicubic Smoother
(best for enlargement). After this has been done, click the OK button.
4. You will notice that the image size has been increased slightly. If you look
closely it will still be hard to notice any quality loss, which is exactly what
we are attempting to acheive. Now that we are done recording our actions, go
back into the Actions palette and click the stop button at the
bottom of the palette. Go back into the image size window to see if the image
is at the desired size. If not, go back into the actions palette where you will
see the newly created Upscale 10% action. To repeat this process (to
continue to increase or enlarge the image), select the new action and click the
play button as many times as necessary.
4. You may get to a point where your image is just slightly larger
than the desired size. To get it to the desired final size, you have two
options; crop the image or resize it without enforcing scale styles or
constrain properties in the Image Size window.
Scenario 2
Printing at
Image size
wanted : 6” x 4 “
Image size :
28” x 21”
settings to 6” x 4.5” – resamples the photo only
Solution :
Resize –
It’s not recommended to downsize an image
For this scenario…
1. Open Photoshop
Choose an
- Select the cropping tool (marquee tool)
- Edit the style
- Change the normal Fixed Aspect Ratio" (force
the selection into square)
Normal - free
to drag out any size selection we need with any dimensions
- Enter width of 6 and height of 4
- And select it at the image..after done
- Go to image> crop
- The image
is 6” x 4 “ as
- File menu > print
- Page setup -Change the paper orientation .
- Click ok..
- Tick the box
that says "Scale to Fit Media".
- Click
the Print button .